7 best talismans for good luck and money

If you want to have the luck and the money in the first place you need to get a reliable talismans, their energy increase.

To improve your life and become a successful person with the help of powerful amulets. Already on several occasions proved that the energy of the things greatly influenced our lives. To attract money and luck, you should simply select the mascot, the your goals and intentions. Properly selected mascot of the keys to success, happiness and prosperity.


1. The Ring of infinite happiness

If you can't your dream come true, no matter how you tried it, the Ring's mascot. Download the decoration on the happiness of a simple Ritual: on the moon rising, clean the Ring of strange energy and negativity. Choose a pot with cold water, add a tablespoon of salt and 3 pinches of baking soda. Wait until the salt dissolves, and then put the Ring in the pan and testify:

"Salt water, wash with Ring denial forever!"

You leave the Ring alone for a while (10-20 minutes), so that the salt water to clean jewelry of a foreign power. After the Ring under the moon light and talk on happiness:

"The moon, attracted by the power, wealth, attracted, let's go up to success".

Ring charge until the morning. Do not forget that Gold attracts the best money, silver, success, and the tree — happiness.

2. Monetary Toad

The most well-known mascot adopted monetary toad. The amulet draws easy monetary energy in the house. Suitable for those who wants to be in need of money, keep their savings and loans to get rid of. A real monetary toad must meet the following criteria:

Monetary Toad
  • to be Golden or green;
  • standing on three legs;
  • keep the mouth a coin that you can take out easily. If the coin is stuck, or it becomes difficult — and it will be difficult to earn money.

Money toad in the home, in the Zone of riches. The main thing is — you free on high shelves, such as the amulet is not dizziness.

3. Trailer-the sun brings good luck and money

Sun — Symbol of light, of happiness, of prosperity and of happiness, because he defeated the darkness. Pendants with symbols of the sun is a great mascot. Buy followers need to be in a good mood. Well, if it is Gold. Ritual decoration on success and money light will charge during the day in the sun. Pendant set on a Sunny place and leave for 40 minutes. Then you say:

"Sun-the sun, look in the small window. Charging an amulet for ten years. For fifty days they bring me a Million rubles."

After the share with the mascot of your wishes, tell us what you need the money and what dreams you want to fulfil with your help. Wear the amulet in a prominent place, and in the night and put under the pillow. To occur the more in touch with him, the better.

4. Mascot is made of natural wood

Green Socks

Simple mascot brings the big money. Some practitioners recommend that a Talisman with the image of the monetary runes, but also the usual thing out of wood is able to increase revenue. Mascot suits, and the young and the old, the poor and the rich. Wearing such an amulet positive energy. He restores the balance, opens the cash flows, protection against losses and wins, the tiredness and the apathy.

Wooden mascot hold or (in a purse, handbag or pants pocket), to preserve, or to your home, office or car. You don't pay attention to the fact that he is lost. If the amulet was gone, then it is time to clean of negativity, envy and spoilage.

5. Green Socks

This cute Home-mascot draws quickly to its owner desired. It is not necessary to wait, growing moon, sun or a good day for buying. Well, if it was the green socks knitted for you loved one. Ideally, you associate them with your own hands. Within each sock a note with the words, submit to Calculate: "luck, draw money".

Socks you keep in a visible but inaccessible place. After the end of the month socks to wear for a couple of minutes before going to bed and make a wish: one for each. If the requirements are met in ritual worth repeating.

6. Lucky chestnut

Sapling carries the energy of prosperity, of growth, and the infinite development. Mascot for the home, but it can help and in the office. The atmosphere in the room a lot of fun, strengthens the energy. Suitable for career development and to apply for those who are willing to assume their responsibilities.

According to Tradition a branch of the money tree, you must be in a rich house. Under the pot the seven Golden (gold-plated or yellow) coins set. Pour your tree, you need to think about wealth, luxury, fame and prosperity. If the tree is not growing, and the coins quickly black, check the power of the house: most likely, the energy of money and prosperity flows.

7. Souvenirs of pleasant emotions

The attraction of money

Intuition is often a sign for the items they carry positive charge. On the eyes is an interesting coin, light stone, an unusual character, the decoration, the pendant can fall. There seems to be nothing special, and attracts, fascinates. Necessarily buy — good-luck charm to win a lot of money and a lot of luck.

Before the mascot as intended, to clean it of all superfluous energy. For these experts dailyhoro.ru would advise, keep it under running water for a few seconds. The water will wash away the negative. Then please say a short sentence or a spell and you load the item on happiness and money.

By mascot, you can get the attention and money. Remember, that talismans and amulets — it's the magic wand, save for lack of money, credits, debts and financial difficulties. This is her colleague, to help the right way, strengthen the faith, and kept away from the big losses. A Lot Of Success!